Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

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    An Introduction to Paediatric Forensic Imaging

    • Overview of Forensic Radiography in Paediatrics - Amy Lee-Brookes

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    Suspected Physical Abuse in Children

    • Common Signs and Symptoms of Abuse in Paediatrics - Amy Lee-Brookes

    • The RANZCR Guideline for Imaging of Suspected Non Accidental Injury (2022) - Dr Sonja Bastin, Consultant Radiologist - Starship Children's Hospital

    • SPA Skeletal Surveys in the Living - Amy Lee-Brookes

    • The importance of high quality radiological investigations in the investigation of SPA, Anne Smith, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine

    • Common Findings of Skeletal Surveys - Amy Lee-Brookes

    • SPA Skeletal Survey in the Deceased - Amy Lee-Brookes

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    Medicolegal Aspects of SPA Imaging in Children

    • Medicolegal Aspects and Protocols - Amy Lee-Brookes

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    Test your knowledge

    • SPA Knowledge Quiz - This quiz is a short assessment for you to help solidify the learning that you have just done.

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    Feedback & Resources

    • References- please download the attached pdf file

    • Feedback Form - Must be completed in order to receive your certificate of attendance